"I should have done name tags."

Trump Briefly Forgets Vice President’s Name

According to reports, President Donald Trump confronted an unforeseen problem in Tuesday’s Cabinet meeting when Mr. Trump couldn’t seem to remember the name of his vice president, Mike Pence.

“The guy’s here all the time, but I just couldn’t put a finger on it,” Mr. Trump admitted to a source that spoke on the condition of anonymity. The Commander in Chief reportedly addressed Mr. Pence using several impersonal nicknames that included “buddy” and “sport.”

“At times Mr. Trump would just say a name and look around the room to see if the Vice President responded,” according to the unnamed aide. “Other times he would start to say a name before lowering his voice, presumably in case he got it wrong.”

At another point, after waiting for a break in the tension, Mr. Trump pointed at Pence and loudly asked, “What’s this guy’s name again?” to emphatic laughs from assembled cabinet members. “I was hoping someone would shout it out thinking I wasn’t joking,” he confessed after the meeting.

Taking advantage of a brief moment designated for checking his Twitter feed, Mr. Trump typed, “white hair older guy white house” into Google and mumbled, “Ah, of course.” “Thank you everyone for coming,” the President said, concluding the meeting. “Now Jeff and I will head back to the Oval Office.”