Arriving in style to his primetime debut, Alex Jones entered the Sunday Night with Megyn Kelly studio dressed in a dapper tin foil double-lapel and slacks. “I bought this for inauguration day,” Jones declared proudly, noting that he couldn’t attend due to cellphones at the venue.
The Reynolds Wrap suit was just one of many fashion statements made by Mr. Jones in his controversial late night appearance. The InfoWars CEO reportedly wore a chic Marc Anthony cross to the highly-publicized interview, with the hope of discouraging “any sort of jihad” from NBC anchor Lester Holt. Jones also sported a Tommy Bahama ankle monitor, installed of his own accord, for investigators to track should former president Barack Obama kidnap the InfoWars host and “turn him gay for Iran.”
Members of the InfoWars PR staff praised the NBC makeup department for accommodating their client’s “unique” wardrobe requests. Studio aides dutifully blanketed Mr. Jones in Vaseline to counteract airborne vaccines and, as per demand, applied an aerosol deterrent against space ticks.
When complimented by Ms. Kelly on his attire, the radio host admitted he preferred casual attire when outside the public eye. “If I’m in the office I’ll usually throw on a pair of duct tape shorts, or sometimes just an American flag.”