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Goddammit: The WP Kids Already Set Up a Hammock on New Sculpture

Oh, for fuck’s sake. The overpass sculpture hasn’t even been up that long and the Wilderness Project kids are already hammocking off it. There’s three people with pineapple t-shirts sharing their WOOFing experiences while they swing on an art piece nowhere near Mudd Field. Wait – what’s that sound? Oh, come on; one guy brought one of those Wes Anderson record players and now they’re all “vibing” to Lord Huron while he free climbs the sculpture. Yep, you bet your ass he brought hand chalk.

Just when it looked like they would take a hint, one girl starts setting up a slackline between the sculpture poles. She even brought protective clamps to practice “leave no trace.” Lady, you shouldn’t have slung up your goddamn Eno off a $30,000 patio piece, get the fuck outta here.