Point: My Internship Last Summer Was a Major Step in My Professional Development by Grant Kaufman, Senior, tool My corporate internship last summer was definitely a major step in my professional development. From day one I was involved in multiple high value projects—it’s clear that everyone at the company really valued ...
August, 2012
14 August
University Senior is the New Ugliest Thing on Campus Named “Eliot”
Washington University senior Eliot Traftson is now the ugliest thing named Eliot on campus, according to a new study funded by the Student Union. “Everybody loves to complain about how ugly Eliot is,” explained SU senator Jonathan Stevens. “So when we found out that Eliot Hall was going to be ...
14 August
Publisher of “50 Shades of Grey” to Target Male Demographic with “50 Shades of Sasha Grey”
The publisher of the best-selling “Fifty Shades of Grey” series has announced plans to release a new book titled “Fifty Shades of Sasha Grey.” The move comes as an attempt to better target the male demographic, a spokesperson from Vintage Books confirmed, for the 2011 novel made quite a splash ...